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Jacket of Jane Lind's book "Joyce Wieland Artist on Fire"


This is the jacket of Jane Lind's wonderful new book about the life of artist Joyce Wieland. The book is beautifully bound and printed but you find the real beauty of the book when you read Jane Lind's text.

The photograph on the back cover and 11 photographs inside the book of Joyce Wielands show at the National Gallery of Canada were taken by Arnold Matthews.

"Joyce Wieland (1930-1998), who was born in Toronto and was orphaned by the time she was eleven years old, began her career as an artist in the 1950s and worked in a variety of media. She was the first living female artist to have a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa in 1971." Jane Lind
Joyce Wieland Artist on Fire by Jane Lind
Joyce Wieland Artist on Fire by Jane Lind Joyce Wieland Artist on Fire by Jane Lind
Photograph © Arnold Matthews